We educate

Knowledge is power & protection

Fentanyl is a danger to both students and young professionals

The best way to
take  a stand

We must educate ourselves and even our brightest, best-intentioned youth.

Ignorance of fentanyl is killing our youth

It’s time to take a stand. And the best way to take a stand is by educating ourselves and even our brightest, best-intentioned youth. That’s why educate students, young professionals and parents.

Bring  our story

to your school

We’ll educate – and empower – your whole student body to rally for safety with moving stories, motivating facts and unforgettable energy.

Learn More

Bring  awareness

to your workplace

Nurture a safer work environment. Our speakers deliver a powerful presentation, packed with unignorable facts and real stories.

Learn How

Fentanyl Facts

Fentanyl overdose is now the leading cause of death for Americans 18-45.

Fentanyl is 50X stronger than heroin.

It only takes 2 mg of Fentanyl (smaller than 2 grains of salt) to cause death  in just minutes.

70% of the 107k+ drug overdose deaths in the US in 2023 were attributed to fentanyl.

Have the conversation

Talking with your loved one about fentanyl lacing could mean everything.

Know What to Say

More Resources

We’ve got drug facts, first hand perspective and advice to arm you – and others – against fentanyl.



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