Let’s rally

delivered to
800 student
groups – and

Empower  a
community of

We speak because our community doesn’t know the risk of fentanyl with recreational drug use, just like Jack didn’t. And that’s why we’ve developed a powerful, dynamic presentation that moves crowds. Students leave speechless. Empowered. Informed. Inspired. And ready for that fork-in-the-road moment when they think about reaching for a recreational drug –and don’t.

Relatable is powerful

Hearing directly from Jack’s friends is what makes our story feel so
real. When possible, we do our best to bring a speaker related to your school community for an even stronger connection to your students. Hearing from someone who once walked the same halls proves the idea that, “this really could happen to me.”

More Details

Here’s a quick overview of what a school can expect from a DOITFORJACK Presentation:

  • Real stories from the people who experienced them, videos, a
    slideshow, powerful facts and a Q&A
  • Designed for highschools and can be tailored to junior high,
    college, large scout gatherings and more
  • High energy to empower and inspire, not drive fear
  • A dynamic format built for groups up to 1,000
  • T-shirt giveaways and uplifting encouragement

Us In!

Want us to rally at your local school? Download a one-pager and share it with your school administration or educational organization. Our book on our school programs page.


More School

We don’t stop at speaking. We can help you launch a whole fentanyl awareness day at your school, with DOITFORJACK apparel in your school colors and more. We offer a presence at your sporting events, opportunities for your students to get service hours and even opportunities to collaborate with students on capstone projects. We can support parents and train teachers too.

More on School Programs

Schools Who Raise
Awareness for Jack

You guys are making a huge impact and turning a tragedy in your life into something to help others… and literally SAVING lives.”

~ Moeller Senior

Our last child, Henry, is currently a senior at Elder and attended your presentation. As with many high schoolers, Henry does not share a lot with me and his dad. What is incredible is that you were able to connect with my typical teenager who thinks nothing bad could ever happen to him and that he already has the world figured out. And I thank you and Jack for that.”

~ Elder Parent

St. Columban
St. Ursula
High School
St. Xavier
High School
High School
High School
Mount Notre Dame high school
Notre Dame

for Everyone

Need to order our apparel in bulk in special school or event colors? We can coordinate group sales for institutions or events. Contact us to get involved with organizing your DOITFORJACK idea!

Have the conversation

In many fentanyl poisoning cases, the victim didn’t even know they were about to take it. Talking with your loved one about fentanyl lacing could mean everything./sp

Know What to Say



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